Fredrik Jalhed will take you on a journey through the Swedish region of Dalsland. A documentary exhibition about stillness, light and intimacy. In this newsletter you will learn about Fredriks relationship to photography and the region och Dalsland it self.

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Documentary in Dalsland
Fredrik Jalhed have caught some magic light and stunning scenes in the exhibition ‘In Dalsland we trust’, February 1 – 28.
How is photography important for you?
I am very drawn to dull and muted environments. I like nature, but just as much modern, urban environments. Right now I’m into environments without people, but I feel a great urge to find my way back to a more social type of photography, where I rather look for encounters with people. More of that in 2023.
What’s your relationship to Dalsland?
Dalsland came into my life at the same time I met my love and the mother of my children, Julia. Julia’s grandmother and grandfather bought an old farm deep in the forest near a place called Edsleskog. And it was love at first sight. A calmness and a sense of togetherness. It’s probably the best place on earth.
In which way is photography important for you?
For me, photography is happines and freedom. It’s my profession, my big passion and a big part of my identity.
A good photo can differ from person to person. What makes a good photo for you?
It is a very difficult question. But it must make some kind of impact, have a visual identity, a signature. Create interest and raise questions. But the visual is important, it should be felt in the gut. Or the spinal cord. When I decide whether I like a picture or not, it happens in an instant, a hundredth of a second. And it is very seldom that the first feeling changes.
The light
A magic glimpse of light shining on those lupins. Just so simple, just so beautiful!